A Man’s Lotion

Who makes lotion for men?!


Grandma’s Winter Hand Soother Lotion was originally developed for men. That’s right! This blend of lotion was designed for men who work out of doors with their hands causing them to be rough, cracked and split.

Half a pea-sized drop on the back of each hand is enough to go around.

Reasons why men love the Winter Hand Soother Lotion:

  • fast absorbing
  • lightweight
  • subtle citrus scent that quickly dissipates
  • doesn’t compete with cologne
  • works on rough elbows and feet too


Winter Hand Soother Lotion

Did you know Remwood Products, the makers of Grandma’s Lye Soap, make lotion too?? Well, WE DO!

We know that when you have dry skin you are most likely going to reach for more than a bar of soap. You want lotion too! So we made a lotion that won’t undo the good works of your Grandma’s pure, natural soap.

Grandma’s Winter Hand Soother Lotion has no mineral oil, petroleum products or parabens which have been recently linked to breast cancer.

It is fast absorbing and lightweight with a subtle grapefruit scent that quickly dissipates.

Apply half of a pea-sized drop on the back of each hand. Its more than enough to go around and makes this an economical buy!

Grandma’s Winter Hand Soother Lotion comes in 2 sizes. Click the links below to order.

2.0 oz = $6 

4.1 oz = $8

5 Easy Ways To Help Dry Winter Skin

CBS News reports that “Skin tends to be drier during winter months because there’s less moisture in the air…cold winds outside and hot, dry, heated air inside” [Source]. We all know this is true and have felt its effects at some point or another, for some of us we experience a wave of dry skin every year. Here are 5 things that I found useful in planning ahead to keep my skin at its finest this winter.

  • Use sunscreen when you go outside for any season. Especially if there is snow because the sun sure reflect off that!
  • Wear gloves even if it doesn’t seem too cold out to protect them from the wind. And make sure they are dry gloves to avoid irritation.
  • Use a humidifier to put moisture back in the air that central heating systems take away. An alternative (and cheaper) idea is to keep a bowl full of water above your radiator, if you have one.
  • Take shorter/cooler showers. Avoid super hot showers/baths which will surely dry out your skin. Many sources recommend just 10 minutes.
  • Use Plain Soap! Everyday Health suggests to “avoid soaps with deodorants, fragrance, or alcohol because they can strip your skin of its natural oils” [Source].

Hope these tips will help you start off the winter months right! Let me know if you have any additional suggestions that work well for you!

Yahoo was also a source of information.

Just For Hunters

Although you might think you blend into your surroundings in your camo, the deer know otherwise when they can smell the body wash you used this morning. Camouflage your scent this hunting season. It isn’t too difficult or expensive to increase your chances at coming home with some game. Try these four easy steps:

Step one: Shower with Grandma’s Lye Soap because it has no added fragrance. It may help with dry skin from sitting out in the cold too!

Step two: Wash your clothes with Grandma’s Laundry Soap which also has no added fragrance. It defeats the purpose to bathe with odorless soap if your clothes are still scented.

Step three: Go hunting! To better blend in with the environment you are hunting in, rub dirt/pine needles from the same area on your clothing/skin instead of buying generic natural scents.

Step four: Return home with your prize! And then shower and wash your hunting clothes with Grandma’s Soaps.

Visit our website to order these soaps or look for us in a local hardware or health food store. www.GrandmasPureAndNatural.com

Source: How Stuff Works

The Truth About The Lye

Back in the day, when you needed to make your own soap if you wanted to bathe, lye soap was most popular. It was made at home and took a lot of hard work. Not only did the old-fashioned  soap makers have to collect ashes from their stove and siphon off the lye, but they had to raise the pig themselves to have the lard.

The old-time recipe was not necessarily that specific. Sometimes it was made with too much lye and sometimes it was made with too little.  When there was an excess of lye, it would burn the skin. When there was a deficiency of lye, the soap wouldn’t solidify.

Remwood Products Co. makes Grandma’s Lye Soap with a special formula that ensures we use the right amount of lye. All the lye is used up in the process, leaving Grandma’s Lye Soap safe and effective.  Making soap is like chemistry class: add ingredients, watch reaction, create new substance. This process of making soap is called saponification. During saponification, anyone who is part of the creation process is properly covered and protected from the raw lye. After that, no lye remains. Just soap! SAFE soap!

Happy (Belated) Earth Day!

Everyone who makes Grandma’s Lye Soap possible wanted to wish you a Happy (belated) Earth Day!

Gaylord Nelson, a Wisconsin Senator, is credited for the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970.    This holiday produced new foundations and public interest groups whose goal is to expand the awareness of the protection of earth. Thousands of schools and people participated nationwide in celebrating the environment on the very first day. Now it seems every school and community makes some sort of environmental contribution on April 22. We want onboard!

Do you want to team up and do something for your community or school for Earth Day next year? Or sporadically when the need arises? Keep us in mind and email us with your ideas!

Grandma’s Lye Soap <3’s EARTH

Gardening-How To Magazine

Our Grime Away Soap and Poison Ivy Bar are advertised in the March/April 2012 issue of Gardening-How To Magazine!!


As a gardener, I want my plants to have the best chance to grow. I spend time to loosen and fertilize the soil and carefully bury my seeds/bulbs. I make sure my flowerbeds are watered and weeded too. Gardening is not a clean hobby, but my hands don’t have to reflect that all day. I created Grime Away Soap with pumice and grits to gently remove grime.  It gets the dirt stains off my hands, leaves them soft and smooth and ready to go out in public!